Friday, August 7, 2009

Basic Decision Making

Basic Decision Making

A decision is something that happens when the answer doesn’t present itself.
This series of articles answers the question of “What is a decision?” and goes further to describe the attributes of a GOOD decision. A dictionary defines a decision as the act of reaching a conclusion or making up one’s mind: determining with finality a course of action. Truth is we make decisions all day long and may not realize it.
We created some criteria upon which we would base our decision. The choice we needed to make: when to get gas. The options: at one of several points in the journey. The criteria to evaluate the options: distance, efficiency of the travel, cost, and friendliness of the staff. All this detail from a simple “When should I get gas” example. Good thing we do most of this in our heads!
So then, what is a decision? First, a decision is the recognition that we have to make a choice. At this point, the ANSWER has NOT presented itself! There are however some options, we must take action and only one option is possible (i.e. why would I choose to refuel at two gas stations?).
Some options may not meet the criteria. Several options may meet the criteria but have pros and cons associated with them. This suggests a Better decision can be made. And last, a good decision considers what might happen if something goes wrong. Going wrong could be an execution detail, a wrong assumption on my part, or changing circumstances. At the end however, I’ve considered all of these things and made the Best well-rounded choice: one that meets all my criteria the best.
The simple examples here illustrate there are key components to decisions we need to make. These components can be applied to many decisions in our lives from the very basic like which vacuum cleaner to buy, up to which car to buy or college to attend. Using these steps insures we’ve considered the necessary factors and will then make the best decisions.

Read also:

* Decision Making Basic

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